ANY from complete beginners to advanced
Any instrument & singers
6 minutes as standard in which to play either 1 long or 2 or more shorter pieces
10/15/20 minute slots for a runthrough of upcoming exam pieces(at any time)
classical | jazz | contemporary pop songs | musicals | arrangements improvisation | own compositionsexam pieces | piano duets / duos
Solo | Duos | TriosEnsembles
(This is the TOTAL combined time - youmay play more than one piece if you wish)
5 mins
15 mins
10 mins
20 mins
Please EMAIL
Or text or call CLARE on 07892 120050
with the name, age, instrument/s, preferred time slot and any other relevant details for the performer(s).
Saturdays @ 10am
12 April, 3 May, 7 June
- get used to playing in front of other people
in a relaxed and supportive environment
- reduce nerves by playing regularly
Taking a grade exam?- run through all your exam piecesto a small audience! It will make that exam so much easier…
- be inspired to try out a new piece you’ve heard someone else play
- make new friends!