MOBILE ======================

Wheelchair Access
There is one shallow step from the pavement into the venue, then a short slope (approximately a 1:12 gradient) into the main audience seating area.  Once inside the venue the bar is at the same level.  The accessible toilet is up a very shallow step (4 inches).


Our portaramp can easily be set up for wheelchair users to give easy access from the pavement into the venue. This is one very shallow step, easy to navigate for most wheelchairs. Including manuals.

Accessible Toilet

There are three toilets at The Red Hedgehog, including one fully accessible toilet, fitted with rails. Access is up one very shallow (4 inch) step.

It would assist us if you would kindly give advance notice when wheelchair access is required. This will enable us to place the portaramp in position ready for your arrival and to arrange the seating so as to accommodate you in comfort.

If you have any other specific needs, please get in touch by phone or email  so that we can assist in making your visit as enjoyable as possible.